Why We Do This

Founder & CEO Tim Singleton
In the greater scheme of life, computers are meaningless.
Looking back on my life, I won't care that I made 100,000 computers run faster. What has meaning is people—their lives, their happiness, their passions. I'm not a doctor; I can't save lives. I'm not a farmer; I can't feed the masses. But in my work, I can touch thousands of people and make their days more peaceful and enjoyable, and help them make their difference in the world. I am a technologist, and I empower people to strive for their passions by making their technology run in top shape.
Our Mission
This is why I started Strive Technology Consulting. Our mission is to involve ourselves in creating a better world and positively touch 1 million lives by the end of the decade.
We strive to create a better world by helping clients we believe in make their mark. We empower their employees with reliable computer systems so they can work easily and efficiently, and we guide leadership teams in using technology to achieve their goals.
What We Value
The core values we hold most dearly are are Integrity, Empathy and Respect, Clarity, and Transparent Communication.
- We define integrity as coherence between what we say, think, and do, among ourselves and with our clients. This is the first of our values because it is the only thing long-term relationships can be built on. Only once we honor our own commitments to our word can we offer that commitment to others.
- When we have trust among our team and clients, we acknowledge that everyone has natural talents and frustrations. We respect the gifts of others and value what they offer, just as we empathize with their difficulties and respect their situations, knowing they also feel ours.
- When we have clarity—on our current state, our options, and our goals—where to go next becomes apparent.
- Technology is a deep and complicated landscape, full of expectations, needs, and misunderstanding. The most potent tool we have in navigating this territory is transparent communication where we ensure everyone knows where everyone stands in a clear, empathetic, and honest way.
Join Us
I am Tim Singleton, founder and President of Strive Technology Consulting. This is my belief in how to run a company today, and I am striving to build a team and client base in alignment with this this mission and these values. I hope you will join me.